Tuesday, December 7, 2010

More Stuff Painted

I have returned from my trip, as promised, with more stuff painted.  I know that there will be a few people waiting for me to paint something other than Orks but I’m afraid that Orks will be my army for a while.

What will I be painting in the next six months?  Well, apart from more ORKS, you can look forward to the boys in Blue: Ultramarine's, Hopefully Space Wolves and Maybe even Eldar!   As I am more of a hobbyist than a gamer, I still like to try and fit a game in whenever I can, and will be heading towards my goal of a 1000 point Ork Army (I’m half way there!)
The New Ultramarine's Movie has been delayed for a few weeks, which is a bit of a disappointment, but I don’t blame them, this company has never before produced a full length 40k feature film.  And those who didn’t like the trailer should know that they didn’t really get much support from GW.

The first thing I did when I got back was I have bought the Assault on Black Reach set for the first time. I never used a starter set like AoBR; I started with the Rulebook, Codex and a few models and was hooked.
I never really liked the AoBR mini rulebook, because it hardly has any background, whereas the large rulebook has a lot of it, after all, background and fluff is what gets people into the world of Warhammer 40,000. 

I have discovered a theme for my Ork army…     …RED PANTS!!  (a little random). I really need help with a name for the army.  Their Goff and (surprise, surprise) they have red pants.

Here’s all the new boyz assembled and ready to be painted.

And here is my latest painted model, the Ork Deffcopta!!

Once again please help me with a name for my army!! 


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

No Posts For Another Week

I'm sorry dear readers, but I will not be able to post for another week.  My work offers an opportunity that involves traveling, preventing me of painting any 40k miniatures and hobbying for another week.  I will get back to you in a week with stuff painted.

Cheers: )


Friday, November 26, 2010

Ultramarines Movie

Unless you have been living in a cave for the past 2 months, you would know about the new Ultramarine's movie.  Well, It releases on the 29th of November, and for me that's 3 days away (I can't wait that long).  I've already ordered my copy and I strongly urge you to buy the Collectors edition from The Ultramarines The Movie Website.

If the trailer doesn't tickle your fancy then check out 40k radio's Ultramarine's Special show, it persuaded me!

40k Radio Ultramarines Suprise Show



Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Painting Tutorial: Ork Skin

If you are like me you don’t want to waste your precious money on those amazing but expensive GW paints.  As you may have noticed my current army is Orks.  As I have not yet posted any tutorials, I will be sharing my method for painting Ork skin with only two paints. 

This Money saving method is easy, and is great for people new to painting Orks.  I used this method on my first Ork and paint all my Orks the same. 

The two paints are Dark Angels Green and Goblin Green.  The Old Dark Angels green used to be a lot darker, but the new slightly brighter version is perfect for Orks Skin.  This tutorial will be explained in 4 easy steps.

Step 1:

 Basecoat DA green:

Step 2:

Mix 1:1 DA Green and Goblin Green and apply on the raised areas of the skin (muscles).

Step 3:

Mix 3:1 Goblin Green and DA green and apply over the higher levels of the skin leaving a shadowing effect.

Step 4:

Finally highlight the skin with straight Goblin Green.

This Method creates a shadowing effect to the skin and can prove to be extremely useful when batch 
painting.  I hope this tutorial has helped anyone new to Orks.

Feel free to comment any suggestions or Questions.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

AoBR Burnas

I made a huge noobish mistake last month,
I bought a box of lootas and burnas, mad 2 lootas, 2 burnas and a burna mek (what the hell could they ever do in the game in such small numbers !!) I know it was really silly of me, so I tried converting AoBR boyz into another 2 burnas...

...And succeeded!! (my first ever conversion!)

Should be a lot of fun on the tabletop!
It is so simple to covert boyz into burnas,

  1. Remove both arms
  2. Assemble the burna as you usually would!
Hope you found this useful.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Weekend of Orkyness

I'm sorry I've left the posting so, so, so (etc.) late. I've been so engrossed in painting my new boyz, not to mention the new display base I made. I also have been painting a couple of space marines given to me by my friend.  Here's a few photos. Keep in mind my camera is taking really bad photo's.
I'm not too happy with how these turned out : (
The display base (a really terrible photo)
The Space marines
I've had a lot of fun painting these mini's and just hope you enjoy them too.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ork Boyz

Finally, my 10 boyz have arrived!! After a long anticitpated 21 days...
Anyway, Im not sure if anyone else does this, but before I ever batch paint, I test a paint scheme on a single miniature, take a look:
I hope the other 9 are the same!
And Here are the other nine Ork waiting da Queue:
Hoped you liked him, I'll make another post for the finished ten boyz.
Also, is it worth posting a tutorial for painting ork boyz?


Sunday, November 7, 2010

40k Posters

I was searching on the web to see if it was possible to buy 40k posters when I found this hilarious website with super funny posters. Have a look:

You can find more at: Hillarious 40k Motive posters


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Orks, Orks, Orks and Eldar

Painters go through stages in their hobby life when they have no more miniatures to paint.  Well, when I woke up with a sudden urge to paint, I realised I've finished all the Orks I had. After a good 10 minutes of desperately searching for something to paint, I found an old Eldar Guardian with a turret at the back of my "undercoated" draw. Heres a photo:

I have now decided my next army will be Eldar, it really comes to show that a sudden urge to paint can become inspiration for a whole army!!

But anyway, just though I'd show you a few Orks I've painted: )

Here's the two burnas I've painted, I plan to have 10 of them driving around in an ork Trukk, that should be lots of burny fun!!


I know that 2 boyz Isn't a lot, but I've got another box of 10 on it's way, and when I get the AoBR set I'll have 22!! That's enough for mob. : )


Here's the Loota, Its too shameful to show the other one (I completely messed it up) : (
Burna Mek
I'm quite happy with this model, he was the first ork character I've painted and I was a little nervous.

I've got 10 ork boyz on the way so I'll post them up when their painted.   
(Hurry up stupid e-bay package, its been 20 days!!)


Ork Warboss!

Welcome to my first REAL post.  Just a week ago my AoBR Ork Warboss arived.  I painted him up in two days, and I thinks he's probably the best miniature I've done.  Here a picture:
I just can't seem to get the veins right. But overall i'm very happy with him.: )

Friday, November 5, 2010


Welcome all to A PAINTERS TABLETOP!!

A painters tabletop is a Warhammer 40,000 blog about painting those addictive miniatures.

I have been in the hobby for a few months but am always finding it difficult to afford the minatures.  I have painted an Ork army with only 200 points (not really alot!) and wish to share the rest of my progress with you.
